All Posts by Date of Entry

Memorial Mass for Marco Nobili

Memorial Mass for Marco Nobili

Com.It.Es. Detroit will be hosting a Memorial  Mass at San Francesco Church in Clinton Township at 10am on Sunday, March 10, 2024  for past Consul of Italy in Detroit, Marco Nobili. The 10am Mass at San Francesco is in Italian. Marco Nobili was Consul of Italy in our...

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March, 2020 Meeting

March, 2020 Meeting

Com.It.Es. di Detroit informa che la prossima riunione si terra' sabato, 14 marzo 2020 alle ore 10,00 presso la sede del Com.It.Es., al 51424 Van Dyke Avenue - Shelby Township, Michigan  48316 nella sala conferenze al piano inferiore. La riunione e' aperta al...

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December Meeting

December Meeting

Com.It.Es di Detroit informa che la prossima riunione si terrà sabato, 14 dicembre 2019 alle ore 10,00 presso la sede del Com.It.Es al 51424 Van Dyke Avenue in Shelby Township, Michigan 48316 nella sala conferenze al piano inferiore. La riunione è aperta a tutti.

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September Meeting

September Meeting

Com.It.Es. di Detroit informa la comunita' che la prossima riunione si terra' Sabato, 7 settembre 2019  alle ore 10,00 presso la propria sede, sita al 51424 Van Dyke Avenue - Shelby Township, Michigan  48316 - nella sala conferenze al piano inferiore.  La riunione e'...

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July Meeting

July Meeting

***  We wish to inform the community that the next Com.It.Es Detroit meeting will be held on Saturday, July 13, 2019 at 10am at the Com.It.Es office :  at 51424 Van Dyke Avenue - Shelby Twp., Michigan  48316, in the Conference Room, located on the lower level. The...

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Bandiere Associazioni italiane di Detroit Dott.ssa Maria Manca, Console d'Italia in Detroit Generale Carlo Felice Corsetti - Arma dei Carabinieri e Domenico Ruggirello, Presidente Com.It.Es. di Detroit , Consiglio dei Presidenti e Coordinatore Festa della Repubblica-...

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June Meeting

June Meeting

***  We wish to inform the community that the next Com.It.Es Detroit meeting will be held on Saturday, June 08, 2019 at 10am at the Com.It.Es office :  at 51424 Van Dyke Avenue - Shelby Twp., Michigan  48316, in the Conference Room, located on the lower level. The...

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March Meeting

March Meeting

***  We wish to inform the community that the next Com.It.Es Detroit meeting will be held on Saturday, March 09, 2019 at 10am at the Com.It.Es office :  at 51424 Van Dyke Avenue - Shelby Twp., Michigan  48316, in the Conference Room, located on the lower level. The...

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